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Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin
Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin
Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin
Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin
Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin
Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin
Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin
Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin
Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin
Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin
Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin
Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin

Palastik Babak netes Irigasi Pipa Nyieun Mesin

Brosur produk:ngundeur

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Vinyl Round Drip Irrigation Pipe device this really building a device this is certainly top-quality automatic built to produce drip is round pipes. The system is perfect for found in irrigation systems as it produces pipelines with precision that may help in providing surely water to plants effectively. The apparatus is user-friendly and simple to work with, rendering it extremely well suited for people who need certainly to create drip irrigation pipes without inconvenience or difficulty.

The vinyl Round Drip Irrigation Pipe machine is certainly making full of contemporary tools rendering it efficient to work with. The machine is durable and strong, that makes it an investment this is certainly guarantees that are durable quality drip irrigation pipes for whilst this will be definitely very long. The apparatus possesses a selection this is actually unique of the ensure it is probably very dependable and devices that are efficient the marketplace, including its speed this is certainly most of pipelines, precision in cutting and sizing the pipes, along with having the ability to produce top-quality pipes in just wastage is minimal.

This system has a construction it is really solid means it might likely withstand the destruction is certainly day-to-day of utilized in the creation of drip irrigation pipelines. Its framework is durable together with the device's security during operation since no vibrations are produced by it. Its design is user-friendly allows to function, and in addition it has a person is unquestionably intuitive rendering it and task this is certainly easy get a grip on different functions when it comes to device.

The MIDTECH vinyl Round Drip Irrigation Pipe unit this is certainly making an extrusion technology that basically really helps to be sure that the produced drip irrigation pipelines have actually thickness that is uniform diameter it is really accurate. Its production is speed that ensure that is high is efficient, decreasing the work that is hard fully to create most of the pipelines. The apparatus's precision in cutting and sizing the pipes means they've been for this size that you need is can fit correctly to the irrigation system.

The product works well at producing pipes in a true number of sizes, alongside person can adjust the apparatus in line with the diameter that's required is of pipeline. The unit can create pipes with diameters including 12mm to 20mm, rendering it well suited for various kinds of irrigation systems.

produk Pedaran

Drip irrigation pipe is widely used in greenhouse, greenhouse, and field crops, especially for vegetables, fruits, flowers, nursery, landscaping and other economic crops. Drip irrigation pipe is very suitable for the greenhouse, field crop irrigation, garden and fruit tree greening irrigation in the area of water resources and labor shortage.

Midtech pleased nyadiakeun:
hemat energi (15% handap),
standar luhur (Bimetallic & PLC Intelligence),
kualitas dipercaya (kotak gear nangtung ku bantalan SKF)

extruder sarta sakabeh set Tonjolan jeung garis produksi

1. Especially for agricultural water application
2.With dripper inserting system pipe solution
3.High speed with PLC control for precise control

Paramenters Produk
Line model
diaméterna screw
L / D.
Producction scope
speed produksi
Ф75 mm
100m / mnt
Ф60 mm
60m / mnt
Prosés produksi
Propil Company

Suzhou Midtech Industry Co., Ltd-- pabrik ngarah pikeun téknologi ékstrusi plastik di Cina.

Urang ngadegkeun di 2015 nu nempatan leuwih ti 5000sqm workshop dimodernisasi sarta 30 stuffs kaasup leuwih ti 10 euyeub-pangalaman insinyur hususna keur tim insinyur sarta tim layanan sanggeus-ngajual. Kalayan léngkah internasionalisasi, kami ngagaduhan reputasi anu luhur ku gawé bareng langkung seueur wates, sapertos lapangan Battern. Urang inherit ngembangkeun target: "ngadamel + inovasi + ngahaturanan"; jeung kapercayaan urang: "Nyieun nilai sustainable pikeun customer ". Urang konsentrasi dina nyadiakeun solusi péngkolan-konci jeung nyadiakeun layanan ngaliwatan produk jeung jasa has urang; Samentara éta, tim jasa profésional insure langkung stabil operasi. Ayeuna urang reueus yén tapak suku urang sumebar ka sakuliah Cina jeung dunya sabudeureun: Kami geus diékspor produk urang ka leuwih ti 40 nagara jeung 100 grup konsumén, kawas AS, Brazil, Nigeria, UAE, Spanyol, jsb Jeung sanggeus ngajual puseur layanan urang geus setelan di Nigeria, Brazil, UAE jeung Hungaria



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