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عملية تصنيع أنابيب PVC خطوة بخطوة: نظرة عامة على الآلات

2025-01-10 13:36:20
عملية تصنيع أنابيب PVC خطوة بخطوة: نظرة عامة على الآلات

Hello, everyone. Today, we are going to explore something super cool found in our homes and around our town — PVC pipe. Well, these pipes caarry things that we use every day and are essential. 

How Are PVC Pipes Made?

This business is operated by combining the sewing of special plastic pieces, very very tiny pieces, by bringing them to the factory where they آلة سحق البلاستيكية  will be molded into pipes.

The Extruder Machine

Now, let's get to the extruder factory. An awesome machine called an extruder melts the tiny plastic bits into a gooey, thick liquid. When the plastic has melted, the extruder molds it into long sticks that closely resemble spaghetti noodles. These are long sticks, which are known as "extrusions. The ماكينة تصنيع الأنابيب الكهربائية البلاستيكية extruder continues to push these sticks out until they reach the correct length. Then a special blade goes by and cuts them into pieces.

Making the Bell-End

The PVC extrusions then enter the belling machine, after the extruder. I am sure you are curious about the funny name. Do not worry, it has nothing to do with bells. This MIDTECH electric pvc pipe making machine expands and rounds one end of each stick so thaaat it fits tightly into another piece of PVC pipe. This آلة تصنيع ألواح الرغوة البلاستيكية larger end is called a "bell-end." It's like making a puzzle piece that harmonizes with another piece.

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